In 2019 I was invited by artist and curator Jordan Marty to create an original sound work for the exhibition Live* from CICADA at CICADA gallery in Ogden, UT. I later released my contribution as a single titled “Page Load for Piano, No. 001, Render 018.”

Each audio work for the exhibition was processed within the physical space of CICADA. "By treating each piece with the natural reverberant qualities found within the gallery space (approximately 1,325 cubic feet), a hypothetical performance [took] place where the sonic works made in disparate locations...appear to have been originally performed within the same subterranean structure."

Over the past few years, I have been writing custom audio software—now more than 15,000 lines of code—which algorithmically coordinates the play of audio samples. This song was made on an earlier version of the software that had no user interface whatsoever. When the program played, it composed the music on its own based on parameters that I set.

The piano was originally played and recorded by me (though later cut into notes and discrete phrases so that the software would compose the final track). Aaron Hynds assisted with some later recording during the mastering process.

Forest Kelley
Album cover, 2019 Artwork by Alec Peyton
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