These works deconstruct the architectures of template-based websites and plugins, obfuscating their intended function and revealing, fracturing, and retooling their underlying form. I treat the structures of these plugins as material, reprogramming them to highlight and make visible the features that would, otherwise, be imperceptible. Instead of using code to present content, the mechanism of the code is made to be the content.
I am interested in software as an audiovisual tool with the ability to infinitely generate nonlinear, probabilistic media, allowing the work to assume an artificial intelligence. The sound is made by probabilistically triggering audio. In this way, the sound continues to play and sustain its sonic character, but it operates with logic and never precisely repeats, giving each piece a sense of autonomous self-determination.
In installation form, each computer plays live continuously rendered visuals and sound, contributing to the installation as a whole. It is an anthropogenic digital audiovisual experience that mimics a soundscape ecology (“biophony”). In this way, the installation is not strictly a collection of media works but, rather, it emulates an ecosystem of independent zoomorphic beings communicating through their individual sonic and signaling languages.
Video documentation is below. The actual pieces are too intensive and browser non-compliant to play over the internet.